Councils, Housing Associations and on-line Mutual Exchange Sites

What is it with landlords ? We pay our income tax, rent and our Council tax. They waste our money by often ruling out the cheapest mutual exchange options. Surely the cheapest option can’t always be the worst one. We know the cheap option and you’ll discover below why it really should be given a better chance.

So why are some landlords wasting our hard earned money on paying companies thousands for similar services when we can provide them at a far cheaper price. Is it necessary to go to the most expensive company just because it has monopolised the industry (sounds a bit like Bill Gates & Microsoft!). Or do they think if it’s expensive – it must be good?

Most responses dismiss us completely without even giving us a chance and going for the most expensive ones.

[ad#Google 200×200 right]Would you believe we are also getting some that think it is wise to spend money having a local system developed for regional exchanges on their own website? It’s true, so why do they not choose a UK nationwide service that is established and again must be cheaper than specialist development for a regional service.

At the moment, the majority of landlords are like sheep, following each other down a road that ends up costing thousands, instead of hundreds (again – reminds me of the train ticket company that advertise on tv).

A forward looking landlord will weigh up the pro’s & cons  and consult its tenants before making a decision as to which on-line exchange site to partner with. Were you, as a tenant consulted on which online exchange service your landlord would use – that’s if they want to use any at all to help you find your mutual exchange? Bet you weren’t.

Did you as a landlord, consult your tenants on which service they would prefer you to use? Bet you didn’t.

We can save your landlord a lot of money and I expect there are other areas you would like to see the savings being spent.

What are the differences between these online exchange sites? Some you pay for. Some are free. Some are forums, some are just sites with sophisticated search and match software. As a tenant and as a landlord shouldn’t you be looking into both options? And, if you found a site that had both forums and a powerful search tool, would you not consider that? Especially if you found one that was cheaper than anything else offered? You’d be foolish not to really wouldn’t you?

These are tough times for everyone. Services from councils and local authorities are being cut – they’re feeling the pinch as much as Joe Public.  Saving money and providing a first class service for tenants should be a top priority. With so much debt for the Government, 2010 is going to bring big cuts in government and local authority spending.

[ad#Google 200×200 left]There is a lot to digest in this post but we want you to be aware of our plight to be able to offer our best services to more members that are paid for by your landlord. Please digest all this and add your comments. No need to register to comment here, just your email address which will not be shown or used for any purpose. We really need to get this out there and your voice can be heard too on this post.

Since you are reading this, please carry on and look around the site. We are quite possibly the answer to all of the above. We are ready to take on the big guns and we are up for the challenge. Are you, as tenants ready to join us? If you join us, you also help raise the profile of this wonderful service.

We love providing you with a service that enables you to find your exchange as quickly as possible – but we need you on our new site to increase the chances for all tenants.

Most of all, it will be so good when you can go to your landlord and tell them you have your exchange and where you found it.

And landlords – are you ready to save money, stop following the rest and join us here at ?

As always we welcome your comments on this article.

Author: CCHE Deb