This is a personal blog. I admit this. All landlords seem to have different criteria when allocating sheltered housing. My own landlord, Birmingham City Council, says you can apply when you are 50 yrs old whether you need help or not. That’s great. But what about me? I’m under 50, disabled and really want the reassurance of having a warden etc somewhere on the premises. At this time, I don’t necessarily need support or help every day – but neither do lots of people that currently live in sheltered housing.
[ad#Google 200×200 left]There are so many vacant sheltered housing properties in Birmingham. Why can’t I have one please? Yes I have a dog – so would need a garden for those times I can’t walk.
At one time the council used to give the empty sheltered properties to anyone, but the other residents complained. Fair enough if the properties are given to young/younger tenants who like loud music and parties.
I don’t. So why won’t they consider me? I have to wait another 3 to 8 years. By that point I probably won’t be in a position physically to be able to move. But the council also know I can’t stay here.
It really irritates me that landlords (as a whole) do not take individuals need, circumstance and disposition into consideration. Surely there could be some leeway given to each application.
Your comments would be great to read.
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Author: CCHE Deb
I have to agree with you CCHE Deb, I think it’s terrible the way a lot of councils work. With regards sheltered housing, they should be given on individual circumstances. Age has nothing to do with it if you are disabled and need someone on hand if you should need the help! As you are saying that you can’t stay where you are now …. so what’s stopping them from finding you sheltered accomodation. I take it they have confirmation that you are disabled and how things stand with you? So what’s the problem? They should give sheltered houses case by case! Seems to me that you are being discriminated against, because youu don’t fit their criteria and are not over 50. I would seek further advice if I were you.