Birmingham City Council in its infinite wisdom are paying £800 a day (Yes a day!) to a PR Guru to help them get out of the muck after their Social Services Department allowed a child to be starved to death. It already has 112 members of staff in its PR Department. I really cannot fathom their thinking when that money SHOULD have been used to train more staff in the Social Services area or it COULD have been used in its Housing Department.

Just ONE DAY’S money would have given Birmingham City tenants the right to use this site free of charge for life.

Not only are BCC wasting £800 a day, they have also wasted 6 times that daily amount on an alternative exchange service. On top of that the delay in bringing the Choice Based Letting system into operation has also cost thousands.

10 months ago BCC could have been up and running here. I worked darned hard getting the basis for the CBL’s done. I’ve also worked darned hard getting contacts, talking to various departments and keeping in touch with the Head of Mutual Exchange to try to win this contract for Birmingham City tenants.

To no avail. BCC followed like lambs to slaughter.

Thank you BCC for wasting my council tax. Much appreciated.

I thought perhaps I could ask Mr Terry Brownbill (the PR Guru) if he would contribute one day of his earnings to help give my fellow BCC tenants the chance to exchange their property.