Carers allowance is £53.10 per week. – thats if you “live in”.
For that the government say you have to look after the disabled person for a minimum of 35 hours per week.

This means you are paid £1.52 per hour. This is odds to the governments own national minimum wage which is £5.80 per hour. The government say that the purpose of the care componant of DLA is to cover this deficit. Even so you would still effectively be getting only £3.53 per hour maximum.

[ad#Google 200×200 right]Young carers get nothing at all. Must be over 16 to claim the allowance. Surely they deserve something and not just support (which my own daughter couldn’t get because the Birmingham Branch was too busy).

Carers who live away from the “cared for” person get paid more.

Is this fair? Morally right? Comments please.