Council House Exchanges for November 2010

Exchange Forum Community is now only providing statistics instead of our usual full member reports. This is because we have now incorporated our old FREE exchange forums into the website. Therfore we can’t publish the profile information in the same type of detail as when we only had paid members.

Some Interesting Facts and Figures

  • 533 members have joined this month
  • 103 have posted a free advert in the forums
  • 430 members have not bothered with a free advert

This Months Stats

Out of the 430 members without an advert, there are 209 members that have not completed their profile and DO NOT have access to the free forums until they complete their profile.

221 members this month have completed a profile but not placed a free forum advert.

This month there are 221 extra exchanges available for premium members through profiles.

Sites Total Stats

Our total of completed profiles available for exchanges is 1487 and these can be searched if you are a Premium Member.

Free and Premium members that have not posted in the forums is 1308 and are not doing their best to find an exchange by placing a free ad.