Until this is official (having been to the Government regulator etc) and I have more documentation on the subject, I cannot be 100% sure that any answers I give here will be correct.

The Quality of Accommodation Standard has to be revised to reflect the fact that the original date for compliance with the Decent Homes Standard 2010 has now expired.
From what I can gather, the proposal is that compliance must now be immediate rather than within a certain time period. The Government has put aside another £2.1 billion to help tackle the backlog of Non-Decent Homes. It is the governments expectation that temporary exception to the standard will only be given in exceptional circumstances.
So what does this mean for tenants?
For those of you that still have work to be done to bring your property up to the Decent Homes Standard 2010 – this work still has to be done. And quickly (though by quickly, I don’t mean tomorrow!).
The Decent Homes Standard 2010 states your home must be weatherproof and warm with modern facilities.
The New Standard states your accommodation (where is possible) should not contain any category 1 hazards (asbestos), it should be in reasonable repair, has reasonably modern facilities and services and includes a reasonable level of thermal comfort.
Pretty much the same as the Decent Homes Standard.

I think it is reasonably safe to assume that its pretty much the same as the original Decent Homes Standard. I will answer as many questions as I can.