Advertise house exchange on Ebay

A while ago somebody posted on Exchange Forums that you can list your mutual exchanges on ebay. The topic did generate some interest with members. I was on ebay the other day looking for some items for our dog and realised how much you can tell from feedback. It then...

Recycle unused items before you move house

Free forum to recycle your home items throughout the UK Often moving house can good be a good opportunity to de-clutter your home. We all have things that end up in the loft, outside shed or spare cupboard. Why not recycle your unused items around the home? Having a...

Downsizing homes is a good credit crunch option

It is a fact that most people looking to move usually want a bigger home due to an expanding family etc. A lot of people are also still in properties that are too big because the family is broken up or children have moved away. It is probably a lot of inconvenience to...